Any time you take out a loan, there will be an interest rate, especially if the loan comes from a private lender or a bank. Interest rates will impact the cost of loans, even through hard money lenders in Florida. They are the calculated percentage of the amount borrowed or saved, as determined by the… Continue reading Interest Rates 101
Author: Personal 4Loans
What Exactly Are Hard Money Lenders?
Conventional loans are not always an ideal option for a real estate investor. The process of getting the funding when you need it (AKA before someone else snags the property with their offer) can be frustrating, especially as supply remains low and demand remains high. Opportunities are often time-sensitive and highly competitive. That is where… Continue reading What Exactly Are Hard Money Lenders?
How to Know if a Commercial Mortgage Loan is Right for You
Commercial mortgages can be used for both buying a refinancing land and property solely for business purposes. They operate much like residential mortgage loans, where money in the form of a loan is used to secure a property. Businesses may also use them for residential and commercial development for existing businesses (this can include bars… Continue reading How to Know if a Commercial Mortgage Loan is Right for You